Friday, April 1, 2011

Poetry Cover

For my poetry cover, I decided that I wanted a nice warm and relaxing concept. Starting off with the eyes in the middle of the page, capturing a focussed look, the soft, deep purple eye color (which I added) really brings concentration to this image. Unlike any eye color, this brings beauty and uniqueness into my portrait. I related this assignment to myself because I was thinking, "What are my thoughts, and expressions ?" I thought about stuff that relaxes me. Candles are key to relaxation, the dim light that comes from them and warm unique smell that floats around in the air release's tension built up inside, and makes you appreciate the purpose of them. Sparks flying, loud crackling in the air, bright flying colors equals fireworks. It's a kind of relaxation that you may only see and hear once a year. Sitting down, looking up at the bright sky that has been lit up with color, makes you think about what wonderful creations, technology, and idea's people come up with. It also makes you sit there and say, "wow, how beautiful." The music note symbolizes the beauty of the music each and everyone of us listens to. The lyrics behind every song is always so unique, especially because music is a huge influence on today's culture. Lyrics in songs always have some kind of meaning, and a lot of people can and do relate song lyrics to their lives. Music is a kind of relaxation that everyone has a secret relationship with. I chose a book to paste on my poetry cover because although I may not read a lot, I know a ton of people who absolutely love it. Books are so amazing because the authors who have created these interesting, unique and creative stories light up peoples lives. Everyone's stories are so different, and they take the time to write them up and share them with us. It gives me a different respect for author's because I would never have the time or motivation to create a book. I chose to do all of the pictures a soft orange color because it seemed to be a good theme of relaxation. I centred and lowered the name of our school at the bottom, because I thought it balanced my picture out. I thought about pasting the not so relaxing things in life at the bottom, but then thought it would be way to much. Overall, I feel like I did a good job with the concept, and I love the layout of the finished product !


  1. Cassy, it is Sunday night and I am marking work whether you have done the reflection or not. Your cover does not look particularly effective on your blog because it is black and your background is also black. There are several ways to correct that, find one.

    You're at a disadvantage due to missing the reflection, not only because your are losing marks on this task, but also because you are not providing something for me to offer feedback on and this will hinder you on the next task. What I asked for here was a write up focusing on the concept and its suitability to the audience. I do not need to hear about the technical process anymore. Here is what I had hoped to receive...

    My poetry cover capitalizes on the high contrast between black and orange to create a captivating design. The top section of the design has several images to illustrate the concept of the book. The candles, and fireworks represent the power of thoughts. Some are small and warm, like the flame of a candle, and some are explosive and earth shattering like the fireworks. The music note and book suggest that poetry is a kind of music in writing. Words become the notes, and the poem is like a melody. The close up of the eyes are a powerful focal point for the design. It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and there is an intimacy about peering into someone's eyes.I have coloured the eyes a violet colour is sharp contrast to the black and white face and because it is startling to see eyes in such a vibrant colour. I thought of putting more images below the eyes but decided that the blackness balanced out the top well and served as a sort of pedestal for the title images and focal point. The school names is discreetly located at the bottom to anchor the piece.

    See what I'm after. Ensure that you complete the next task.

  2. Mrs. Reidel, I was just about to do this write up, because I overheard you say have it by 6pm sunday night to someone in class. I worked until 6pm tonight and just got the chance to get on the computer now ! Can I tweek it and add my own words, because I'd really like to ! Im sorry about it being 7pm, but i have worked all weekend and this is the only chance I have gotten to be on the computer.

  3. I am away Wednesday. On Tuesday we'll talk about revising the Poetry assessment to reflect your last minute effort. You're now behind again on this week's task. Have you got a plan to get back on track?
