Friday, February 18, 2011

Evil and Possessive


This picture I took of Steven Herman, is exactly what I was trying to capture. I took this picture on an angle above him. I was aiming for a very possessive and evil look, and that is exactly what I got. I really like how I captured his hair in this picture, it looks very defined, and you can see the strands of hair very clearly. I love the way I captured his eyes because he is glancing up, and you can barely see the pupil.  His tongue sticking out completes the picture because it makes him look possessed. Overall, I feel that I have created a scary and evil image.

 Black and White Converted

For this picture, I just converted the original version to black and white. I didn't change anything about this picture once I converted it.

Black and White Eyes Removed

In this black and white version, the first thing that I did was fill in the extra area between his body. In the earlier versions above, Steven's stomach and arms were outlined visibly, so I decided to fill in his body with all black to make his head stand out more. I feel like now that the body is filled in, it focuses more on his facial expression. I also removed his eyes by using the clone stamp tool. This gives the photo an overall creepy effect. I adjusted the contrast and lighting to darken his face a little bit, but also making sure his hair was still defined, which I believe it is in this photo even more then the previous ones. 

In this picture, I decided to drop a background in that mimicked Steven's facial expression. I pasted a red and black sky in the background, to make it look like he's evil and from hell. I feel like the red in the sky really makes the picture stand out because it makes him look like the devil. I like this picture because it's simple, and not much detail was added to it. I changed the contrast and lighting of his face to make it stand out more.

I was just playing around with this picture at the very end once I was finished the other versions. I found a creepy and scary picture off of Google and shaped it to Steven's tongue. I created another layer and put it in front of the original picture so that you could see this scary image as his tongue. I also darkened Steven's face, creating a shadow on the left side. I changed the background and made everywhere around him black by using the magic wand tool to select, and then I filled it in with the paint bucket tool. I feel like this makes Steven look extremely possessed.

Stormy Sky
For this picture, I decided to keep it kind of simple. I didn't really add much color to it, instead I picked out a sky that works well with the expression on his face. A dark stormy sky is kind of symbolic in this picture because it could almost represent Steven, "taking over the world." At least thats the first thing that comes to my mind when I look at this picture. I made his face brighter because I wanted it to stand out more, and make the background kind of blend in with his body, dark and gloomy. I like this picture just because it's simple, but also mysterious.


In this picture, I decided to play around with the color, hue, and saturation. I enjoy this picture because it looks like he is very ill, not just physically, but maybe also emotionally. I was aiming for him to look like he was going to puke in this picture. It looks like he is going to puke, but he also looks very evil and dry. When I say dry, I mean his eyes look very blood shot, and his tongue is more of a dull red and orange color. He also looks like he has red bags under his eyes, maybe showing a sign of stress, or sleep deprived. I love the way the blue in the background works with the picture. Overall, I like this picture the best out of all of the ones I have made. I like it because it is a different theme then the other one's that I have created, instead of it being dark and scary, he looks ill and evil.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Wolf's Calling

 Portrait One

1. At first, I didn't know what to expect of this project. I started a completely different one, that had nothing to do with landscape. Once I started my project, I was extremely frustrated when deciding what kind of scene I should create.

2. In choosing my first image, which was a mix of pink and purple sky, I thought about doing a dark, gloomy, and stormy scene. I changed the color and contrast of the sky to make the pink a little bit brighter, for the effect of a storm about to come. I then added lightening to complete the storm effect. I adjusted the lightening in front of the clouds, so that the lightening looks like it is popping out and attacking ones eyes when looking at it. My intentions were to make the lightening really catch the audience's eyes, and I believe I have done so by, fading out different parts of the lightening, and making some of it transparent, and other parts really bright and bold

3. I then added dark mountains for the effect of night time. Some of the mountains look like they are in a distance, close up, darker, and also lighter to give the mountains a variety of different shades.

4. In deciding what I could add to the mountains and sky to complete it, I chose a wolf because it reminds me of an animal you would find in the mountains. In the first portrait I made, I chose to put the wolf in the bottom right corner. I wanted to make it look like the wolf blended in with the mountains, so I changed the contrast of the wolf, and darkened it. I also chose this particular wolf, because it is howling upwards. I chose to make the wolf appear up close. This makes the tip of the wolf's nose look like a mountain top.

5. To complete my picture, I chose an image of an orange moon. I pasted the moon behind the mountains and I shrunk it a lot. After finally deciding and testing out  where I wanted to put the moon, I chose to paste it off center. I feel like this completes my portrait. I personally enjoy where I pasted the moon because it makes my picture look balanced. I have the whole sky filled with color , as well as lightening, and there are mountains filling my portrait. I decided on the left side, to have the moon off center, and the right side, to have the wolf up close. To me, that is balancing my picture.

Portrait Two

In the second portrait that I have created, I chose to keep everything the same, except for the wolf. I decided to use a different image of a wolf, and crop it to make it extremely small. I pasted the wolf in the center of the mountains. I thought it would be interesting to change the color of the wolf to match the moon. I adjusted the color, hue, and saturation of the wolf to kind of match the moon, without making the wolf as bright. The wolf is the focal point of my picture. I also chose a wolf that was howling up at the moon in both of my portraits, because that is what you imagine a wolf doing, when one is mentioned. 


I personally like the first portrait I created better than the second one. The theme I was aiming for, was a dark, gloomy, and stormy night. I love the colors that I decided to use. I feel like the pink sky really completes my picture. It reminds me of a summer night, where there are tornado warnings, which creeps me out a little bit. The lightening also makes the picture look like a stormy night, because usually there is lightening during a storm. I love that the wolf in the first picture really blends into the mountains, and it is evident that the wolf is howling at the moon. I think this matches the title I chose perfectly, "A Wolf's Calling," because the placing of the wolf, and positioning of the moon, imitates the title exactly. I enjoy the second picture I did, because I like the way the wolf and moon are the same color. It wouldn't be my first choice because I feel like the first image better describes and blends in with my title, and theme that I have chosen. Overall, I really do enjoy the picture that I have created, because I had no idea what I expected of it at first. As I was going along, I had random idea's and they turned out great. I hope you enjoy my picture.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Cassy Day 1

I am excited for this course because I enjoyed the grade 11 course in media arts. I had a lot of fun playing around with the different techniques to change a picture. The final products always turned out the way I wanted them to, and I was very happy with the end results. I also loved getting marks back from each assignment, because I did well on each of them and I did well at the end of the course.  I am also excited to end my day with the media arts class because this is my last year, and I feel like it will a great way to end my day and year.

Yes I agree to all of the rules that are applied to this class.