Monday, May 9, 2011


(I don't have the original pictures, they got deleted, you told me to remind you so no marks get taken off)

The picture at the top is a picture of sewer water. In the original picture, you can see the actual sewer and a little bit of water. This is the little bit of water I captured from the sewer. I zoomed in really close and cropped it so you can only see the water and a pencil. I added a fresco filter over top of it which gave it a shiny tint. The pencil adds to the picture because it is a soft orange color, the only actual color in the picture. I don’t think you would ever be able to tell that this picture is from a sewer, which I personally think is really neat because the drops of water look really defined and don't remind me of a sewer at all. Overall, I really enjoy this picture and I believe it is extremely original.

The bottom left picture was taken outside of our school on the track. I started with a picture of a long white line on the track from a distance. I cropped it by zooming in so you could only see one little piece of the track, and a little beige rock off to the side. I added a fresco filter to this picture, and also dropped in a little more orange coloring to the rock to make it pop out more. The fresco filter made the lines on the track really visible, and interesting to look at.

The bottom right picture is also a picture of the same line on the track as the one beside it. I took the original picture and cropped in a different way. I added a plastic wrap filter over top of it and I changed the contrast of the picture. The white part of the track in the picture takes over, leaving only a little bit of room for black. The white spots really stand out because it is a brighter white color. The small black part of the track looks like a very dark and deep black color. The plastic wrap filter makes defines the black lines all throughout the track.

All three of these pictures are related to the ground. The water is on the ground, and the track is the ground. Overall, I think these pictures capture the main concept of this assignment.

1 comment:

  1. It's' an interesting trio Cassy. You have nice crisp images and the textures are really detailed. Good layout, nice explanation, if only you could meet deadlines you'd be pretty near perfect.
